Yeah, It’s Another Year!

Another Year Gone

I stated in a previous post that 2020 was not all bad, and I had a few good things. Now it is time to look forward to a new year. What will happen? Who knows. Here is my bucket list for the new year.

2021 Bucket List

  1. Completed all of my classes for this year successfully
  2. Travel and visit my oldest daughter
  3. Go back to Hawaii
  4. Master my computer technician skills
  5. Continue to lose weight
  6. Focus on the balance between work and luxury
  7. Keep moving with my Fifty Shades of Chaos site and workshops
  8. Keep posting on my 50 Shades of Chaos blog
  9. Start taking photos again
  10. Master the art of online courses and teaching


Blah, it is lame that we will have to deal with COVID-19 another year, but it is what it is. Hopefully, we will see some improvements this year, and COVID-19 will be put in its place.

Turning Fifty

YIKES! Seriously, folks, I turn fifty this year. Time sure does fly!

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